Important dates

Abstracts should be in English or Spanish and no longer than 500 words. They must include the title, name of the author or authors, academic status, institutional affiliation and email address, and conference subject area. Objectives, methods, main aspects of analysis, primary sources and five key terms should be included.

Conference subject areas:

1. Who cares for the elderly at home?  

  • De-familiarisation of care at home 
  • Material conditions of care at home 
  • The household and the composition of the mosaic of care resources 
  • Intergenerational relations, gender roles and care  
  • Men's experiences of long-term care 
  • Conditions for assuming care for the elderly and dependent persons  
  • The home and the politicisation of family care: Making activism visible 
  • Independent living facilities as an alternative to live-in care facilities
  • Home care and social justice: national origin, gender, age and social class 


2. New labour relations in long-term care 

  • Care workers: analysis of a new proletariat
  • Labour relations in the home as a space for long-term care
  • The rise of the care services business
  • Producing household and care employment at the intersection of gender, social class, national origin and rurality
  • Training for work in the care sector
  • Agency and constructing political subjectivities of care workers
  • The public social care system and its connections with the private and third sector
  • Domestic and care employment and labour rights


3. Social innovation and care in the community

  • Community social innovation programmes that have led to advances in the democratisation of care 
  • Strategies to improve the quality of life of the elderly and their family carers with innovative community care policies and services
  • Changes in the management and organisation of social services that focus on care that leads to participatory mechanisms and co-design with users, or that allows care to be reconciled with the community, thus preventing isolated home care situations
  • Capacity for coordination between senior co-housing and public policies to avoid social isolation and reverse commercial and family-centred care practices
  • Domestic caregiver cooperatives that aim to promote dignified working conditions and improve care for the elderly
  • Exploring self-managed mutual support groups aimed at mitigating situations of vulnerability and social fragility


4. The care model in transitio

  • Transitioning the care model in the political debate
  • Barriers to access to the public care system
  • Dynamics of care agent coordination: Boundaries between the public, the private and the communal
  • Challenges of deinstitutionalising long-term care: Experiences in social innovation
  • Risks of deinstitutionalising long-term care
  • Local and community-based care as a driver for transformation


Abstracts must be submitted on-line through this web. Registration is needed, but payment is not mandatory at this moment.

The languages of the conference will be Spanish and English. Please contact the technical secretariat: caremodel@urv.cat. if you need further information.

Abstracts must be submitted before 20 May 2024 before 20 May 2024.

Selected proposals will be announced on 5 June 2024.

Registration payment deadline for people who present communication and want to be included in the Congress program: June 30.
